Kennedy Announces Support for CAFTA-DR

Date: June 30, 2005
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

Kennedy Announces Support for CAFTA-DR

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Mark Kennedy announced today that a coalition of Congressmen and Senators with concerns about the fairness to the sugar industry in the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) have reached a compromise with the Administration's position on CAFTA. With this compromise, Kennedy announced his support for CAFTA-DR.

"I'm pleased to have been a voice at the table for all concerned parties. It does more good to be someone at the table than one who would instinctively say no to trade," said Congressman Kennedy. "We're pleased that the Administration heard our concerns and responded with a compromise that allows the sugar industry to grow profitably in Minnesota for generations to come."

"CAFTA-DR will be good for Minnesota. As a state, we could see an increase of over $47 million a year in agriculture exports under CAFTA-DR. Nearly every commodity group in Minnesota stands to benefit from corn and soybeans to beef and pork," said Congressman Kennedy. "Manufacturers benefit as well, in sectors like information technology, pharmaceuticals, and medical and scientific equipment. This means more and better jobs for Minnesota workers and families.

"This agreement will help freedom and democracy stand to flourish in Central America, and nurture democracies against despots like Chavez and Castro," said Congressman Kennedy.


"We've worked very hard to get sugar the best deal possible. That's what this is," said Congressman Kennedy. "In my time in Congress, I have been a vocal advocate for the sugar industry, gaining much-needed assistance when a coop faced a disastrous freeze, passing a farm bill that included a sugar program to protect and preserve the viability of the industry, and making sure that the 'sugar tax' stayed out of the House-passed budget."

"I take a back seat to no one on thoughtful and effective efforts on behalf of sugar, particularly not to those who are reflexively anti-trade and have no seat at the bargaining table," said Congressman Kennedy. "I look forward to continuing to work with the sugar industry to ensure trade fairness through and beyond the next farm bill."
